English below ⬇️ ✨視覚効果抜群✨スタイルアップする手刺繍アオザイ✨ベトナムの伝統的なアオザイに施された... [Instagram[Izumi Manager]]

English below ⬇️



#手刺繍 #アオザイ #ベトナムファッション #伝統と現代 #スタイルアップ #ベトナムの思い出

✨Stunning Visual Effect ✨ Style-Enhancing Hand-Embroidered Áo Dài✨

Experience the captivating beauty of Vietnam’s traditional áo dài with its exquisite hand embroidery! ✨ Every detail, from the chest to the hem and back, is meticulously embroidered, adding a sense of grandeur and elegance. This simple yet refined design accentuates the wearer’s beauty in any setting.

Available at Izumi, this áo dài is the perfect gift for women and a cultural symbol of Vietnam to bring back from your journey. Let this hand-embroidered áo dài remind you of Vietnam’s blend of tradition and modern beauty.

#HandEmbroidery #AoDai #VietnameseFashion #TraditionAndModernity #StyleEnhancement #VietnamSouvenir

Nguồn liên kết: Instagram[Izumi Manager]
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